Amorphous forms of indomethacin have previously been prepared using various preparation techniques
and it could be demonstrated that the way the material was prepared influenced the physicochemical
properties of the amorphous form of the drug. The aim of this study was to use one preparation technique
(transformation via the melt) to prepare amorphous indomethacin and to investigate the influence of the
cooling rate (as a processing parameter) on the physical stability of the resulting amorphous form. The
amorphous materials obtained were analysed for their structural characteristics using Raman spectroscopy
in combination with multivariate data analysis. The onset of crystallisation was determined as an
indicator of the physical stability of the materials using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarising
light microscopy. The Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) model and Sestak–Berggren (SB) model were
used in this study to describe the non-isothermal crystallisation behaviour.
All differently cooled samples were completely X-ray amorphous. Principal component analysis of the
Raman spectra of the various amorphous forms revealed that the samples clustered in the scores plot
according to the cooling rate, suggesting structural differences between the differently cooled samples.
The minimum cooling rate required to obtain amorphous indomethacin was 1.2 K min 1, as assessed
from the time–temperature–transformation (TTT) diagram. The physical stability of the samples was
found to increase as a function of cooling rate in the order of 30 K min 1 > 20
K min 1 > 10 K min 1 > 5 K min 1 > 3 K min 1 1.2 K min 1 and was in agreement with calculated
descriptors for the glass forming ability (GFA), including the reduced glass transition temperature (Trg)
and the reduced temperature (Tred). The JMA model could not be applied to describe the crystallisation
process for the differently cooled melts of indomethacin in this study. The kinetic exponent M from
the autocatalytic SB model however, showed a positive correlation with glass stability.